Silverlight onLoad javascript event not called
I spent two days trying to understand why my silverlight (hosted on IIS) was not calling events in the index.html page (hosted under tomcat)...
According to
"If you are referencing a Source that is cross-domain from the hosting HTML, handlers for OnSourceDownloadComplete or OnSourceDownloadProgressChanged are never invoked."
We can extend this information for each silverlight's object events, including the onLoad and onError one!
The only solution was to put the xap(s) on the tomcat service :-(
According to
"If you are referencing a Source that is cross-domain from the hosting HTML, handlers for OnSourceDownloadComplete or OnSourceDownloadProgressChanged are never invoked."
We can extend this information for each silverlight's object events, including the onLoad and onError one!
The only solution was to put the xap(s) on the tomcat service :-(
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