A very simple Objects Locator

Sometimes it can be useful to have a static class where you can store instances of classes you use often.
I found this approach useful, especially with MVVM pattern, to set and get ViewModels without using static classes.

The class:

public class MyObjectsLocator
    private static Dictionary<Typeobject> _classesMap = new Dictionary<Typeobject>();

    public static void Register<TClass>() where TClass : class
        Type type = typeof(TClass);
        //lazy approach
        if (!_classesMap.ContainsKey(type))
            _classesMap.Add(type, null);
    public static void Register<TClass>(TClass instance) where TClass : class
        Type type = typeof(TClass);
        if (!_classesMap.ContainsKey(type))
            _classesMap.Add(type, instance);
    public static TClass Resolve<TClass>() where TClass : class
            Type type = typeof(TClass);
            //lazy approach
            if ((TClass)_classesMap[type] == null)
                _classesMap[type] = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            return ((TClass)_classesMap[type]);
        catch throw new Exception("MyObjectsLocator: Class " + typeof(TClass) + " not registered yet."); }


To set a "lazy" class just Register it with:

Instead, if you need to register an instanced class:

Now it will be easy to get the instance with: 
var myInstance = MyObjectsLocator.Resolve<MyClass>();


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